söndag 24 oktober 2010

Lord Admiral Nelson 650ml, 6.5% - USA

Pours dark, clear amber with a creamy head.

Floral hops, citrus, grass, nuts and malt in the aroma.

Sweet and slightly bitter flavor. Hops, biscuit, caramel, fruits and malts in the flavor.

lördag 23 oktober 2010

Ølfabrikken Abbey Ale Special Reserve 750ml, 8.5% - Denmark

Bottled 2006!

Pours deep amber with a short tan head. Lot's of settlement.

Malts, caramel, brown sugar and dark fruits in the aroma.

Sweet and kinda plain flavor. Caramel, brown sugar, malts, spices and hints of dark fruits.

It's ok, but nothing special at all.

fredag 22 oktober 2010

Samichlaus Bier 330ml, 14% - Austria

2009 bottle.

Pours deep red with a creamy head which settled quickly.

Fruits, berries, malts, caramel and booze in the aroma.

Sweet flavor. Dark fruits, malts, caramel, syrup, nutmeg and warming, boozy after taste towards the end.

Lovely beer for a cold evening, like today.

torsdag 21 oktober 2010

Schneider Aventinus Tap 6 500ml, 8.2% - Germany

Pours blurry brown with a short head.

Cloves, bananas, hops and citrus in the aroma.

Cloves, bananas, malts, hops, spices and citrus in the flavor. Lovely beer!!

onsdag 20 oktober 2010

Amager Nitro 500ml, 10% - Denmark

Pours cloudy orange with a creamy, white head.

Hops, passion fruit, caramel and citrus in the aroma.

The flavor pretty much reflects the aroma. Lovely dipa!

Amager Black Nitro 500ml, 7.8% - Denmark

Pours deep brown, almost black with a high creamy head.

Fresh hops up front! Floral hints together with pines and citrus.

Bitter hops, citrus, grass and pines in the flavor.

Not bad!

tisdag 19 oktober 2010

Ola Dubh Special Reserve 40 330ml, 8% - Scotland

Bottled January 2009.

Pours black with a tiny head.

Whiskey, oak and vanilla in the aroma.

Great whiskey flavor. Some berries, dark fruits, chocolate and toffee.

Lovely taste! The best from the whole series.