Well guys, it's time to take a small break from working and have some fun. Tomorrow a few friends and I are flying over to Italy, Milano. We will be back on Tuesday the 1st of December. I doubt that I will be able to update the blog over there, but I'll try.
Beer is the last thing that comes to mind when you think about Italy. So, we are going to take the other course and try some local wines.
Birra Baladin is probably the only famous Italian beer out there, so I will do my best to try some and write down a small review.
See you next week! :)
Men Peroni då Yury? Den är ju skitstor i Storbritannien! =) Väldigt go är den också! =)
SvaraRaderaPeroni Nastro Azzurro, den har jag faktiskt smakat på, fast det va länge sen. Blir nog en sån också då. :)