It's about time I've reviewed a few Christmas Ales, since the holidays are just around the corner.
Shepherd brewery makes one run each year and this is what I thought about this "winter warmer":
Poured reddish, with a small vanilla head. Typical Ale color. With some lacing around the glass, very nice!
Malty smell, some spices, very light smell.
Well balanced taste between malt and hops. Hops are almost unnoticeable, but they do appear with the after taste. I even sense some dark bread here. Very soft, gentle and creamy after taste. High ABV doesn't reflect on the taste at all, which surprised me in a good way.
I didn't enjoy this one much at all. Ended up pouring it out.
SvaraRaderaOuch, now that sucks. Talking about different tastes and reactions. Good thing we all have our own blog to share our experiences. :)