I did read about this beer a few weeks ago and it never really bothered me. But today when I checked Brew Dog's website I've learned that the first 250 bottles are going to cost £35 and the remaining 250 will be sold for £250. So I didn't hesitate and placed an order for one bottle. One thing that really did disappoint me is that the shipping is £40!!! That's more than the beer it self cost. Unbelievable! I emailed them, so hopefully they can give me a discount and help a brother out. I am promoting them here after all. :) Too bad they don't have a special glass for this beer, like Utopias does.
This beer is going to be drank not only by me. I will share it with my brother and my dad.
Try ordering more beer. The £40 is (usually) for one box, up to twelve bottles.
Schnille och Schmak
I've tried pretty much everything they offer. Lesson learned, but still.. they could make that shipping more affordable.