torsdag 17 december 2009

Hibernation Ale 355ml, 8.7% - USA

Poured dark, dark brown with a light yellow two finger head. Some lacing is noticeable.

Smells roasted malts with earthly hops.

The first thing I taste are hops and dried fruits. Roasted caramel comes with the after taste. The taste even contains some licorice, grapefruit and nuts.

The abv is hardly noticeable. This beer keeps you warm inside, like a good whiskey.

1 kommentar:

  1. I really liked it this year. One of my favorites so far in the non-Swedish section of the winter season/christmas beers. It had been great to test one of the Barrel Aged ones that was released in early November this year but unfortunate they were very few and only sold in and around Denver.
