Pours motor oil black with a thin brown head.
Roasted malts, caramel, vanilla and hints of licorice in the aroma. Small vinous notes.
Tar in the flavor. I like it! Roasted malts, vanilla, licorice, toffee, dark chocolate and berries.
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Hey! Just found a swedish beer blog. I'm glad it's in english and that it's so devoted (sure you don't drink too much?). I just wanted to ask you why you don't rate any (well ok, the most) of the beer you describe? I've read your reviews a couple of months now and I almost never really get it straight in if you like the beer or not. A judgment is all I'm asking for.
SvaraRaderaThanks Alexander. Tbh, I made this site for my self so I can log all the beers that I tried. I don't really believe in rating and some times find it hard to rate stuff. Check ratebeer for instance, how on earth can some one give 3.3 for aroma.. where did they get that 0.3 percentage from? lol :) In some reviews I do include my last thought. Will try to look into in more. ;)
SvaraRaderaWhere are you from btw?